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Category: Blog
How I Healed From Childhood PTSD
ACES Connection – Free Techniques That Help Re-Regulate Your Brain and Emotions Lately, a lot of people have been writing to ask me about no-cost options for healing Childhood PTSD. For more than two years, I’ve beens sharing the two free techniques I used to recover, but the instructions are spread out on different blog posts, and so this week,…
Is This Your Idea of a Nice Sunday Ride?
Sunday Ride? Not mine either… Red bull Rampage. Each rider has a team that creates a line with input from the rider on how extreme they want it to be a d which route down the cliff they want to take. Rider knows exactly which line to take because it’s his unique trail down the cliffside. There are some shared…
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Home, garden, lifestyle or build- Walt Collins and Dani Wales have got it covered. Healthy Homes Australia is a lively, fun and stylised Australian lifestyle series. From room a make-over, the latest idea or innovation, power tools, swimming pools, building and construction. Don’t forget to like Walt and Dani on Facebook!
Healthy Living
Start Here Creating Healthy Habits: Make Better Choices Easier (National Institutes of Health)Also in Spanish Five Minutes (or Less) for Health (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) Tips for Healthy Children and Families (American Academy of Family Physicians)Also in Spanish What You Can Do to Maintain Your Health (American Academy of Family Physicians)Also in Spanish Exercise at a glance In a nutshell, exercise can: reduce your chances…